be                                      <GA1 -:3 >

be                                      <GA1 -:5 >

be                                      <GA3 -:18 >

be                                      <GA3 -:29 >

be                                      <GA4 -:9 >

be                                      <GA6 -:16 >

be                                      <GA6 -:18 >

be abased                               <PHP4 -:13 >

be absent                               <COL2 -:5 >

be absent from                          <2CO5 -:8 >

be admired                              <2TH1 -:10 >

be afraid                               <RO13 -:4 >

be are ordained                 <RO13 -:1 >

be as                                   <GA4 -:12 >

be ashamed                              <2TI2 -:15 >

be at peace among yourselves            <1TH4 -:32 >

be blamed                               <GA2 -:11 >

be bold against some                    <2CO10 -:2 >

be brought on my way thitherward by you  <RO15 -:24 >

be brought on my way toward judaea      <2CO1 -:16 >

be burned                               <1CO13 -:3 >

be burned                               <HEB6 -:8 >

be called                               <HEB11 -:24 >

be called an apostle                    <1CO15 -:9 >

be called their god                     <HEB11 -:16 >

be careful for nothing                  <PHP4 -:6 >

be carnally minded                      <RO8 -:6 >

be circumcised                          <GA2 -:3 >

be circumcised                          <GA6 -:12 >

be clear                                <2CO7 -:12 >

be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven  <2CO5 -:2 >

be compared                             <RO8 -:18 >

be content                              <PHP4 -:12 >

be contentious                          <1CO11 -:16 >

be dead indeed unto sin         <RO6 -:11 >

be defrauded                            <1CO6 -:7 >

be diligent                             <TIT3 -:12 >

be done                         <PHP2 -:3 >

be done away                            <2CO3 -:7 >

be drunken are drunken                  <1TH4 -:26 >

be equal with god                       <PHP2 -:6 >

be faithful                             <1CO7 -:25 >

be followers together                   <PHP3 -:17 >

be forward                              <2CO8 -:10 >

be found                                <PHP3 -:9 >

be free from all                        <1CO9 -:19 >

be full                         <PHP4 -:13 >

be glorified                            <2TH1 -:10 >

be glorified                            <2TH3 -:1 >

be grafted into their own olive tree    <RO11 -:24 >

be hungry                               <PHP4 -:13 >

be ignorant                             <1TH4 -:13 >

be inquired                             <2CO8 -:23 >

be instant                              <2TI4 -:2 >

be joyous                               <HEB12 -:11 >

be justified by christ                  <GA2 -:19 >

be left at athens alone         <1TH3 -:1 >

be less honourable                      <1CO12 -:23 >

be likeminded one toward another according  <RO15 -:5 >

be loosed                               <1CO7 -:27 >

be loved                                <2CO12 -:15 >

be made an high priest                  <HEB5 -:5 >

be made for all men                     <1TI2 -:1 >

be made like unto                       <HEB2 -:17 >

be married                              <1CO7 -:40 >

be more feeble                          <1CO12 -:22 >

be no brawlers                          <TIT3 -:2 >

be no more children                     <EPH4 -:14 >

be not an apostle unto others           <1CO9 -:2 >

be not bitter against them              <COL3 -:19 >

be not carried about with divers        <HEB13 -:9 >

be not children                 <1CO14 -:20 >

be not conformed                        <RO12 -:2 >

be not deceived                 <1CO15 -:33 >

be not deceived                 <1CO6 -:9 >

be not deceived                 <GA6 -:7 >

be not drunk with wine                  <EPH5 -:18 >

be not entangled again with             <GA5 -:1 >

be not forgetful                        <HEB13 -:2 >

be not highminded                       <RO11 -:20 >

be not overcome                 <RO12 -:21 >

be not thou therefore ashamed           <2TI1 -:8 >

be not weary                            <2TH3 -:13 >

be not wise                             <RO12 -:16 >

be not ye                               <1CO7 -:23 >

be not ye therefore partakers with them  <EPH5 -:7 >

be nothing                              <2CO12 -:11 >

be obedient                             <EPH6 -:5 >

be obedient unto their own masters      <TIT2 -:9 >

be offered                              <2TI4 -:6 >

be offered                              <HEB10 -:2 >

be offered upon                 <PHP2 -:17 >

be partakers                            <COL1 -:12 >

be patient toward all                   <1TH4 -:33 >

be perfect                              <2CO13 -:11 >

be pillars                              <GA2 -:9 >

be present with                 <2CO5 -:8 >

be present with you now         <GA4 -:20 >

be put                                  <1TH2 -:4 >

be put away from you                    <EPH4 -:31 >

be quiet                                <1TH4 -:11 >

be ready                                <TIT3 -:1 >

be received with thanksgiving           <1TI4 -:3 >

be refused                              <1TI4 -:4 >

be renewed                              <EPH4 -:23 >

be repented                             <2CO7 -:10 >

be revealed                             <1CO14 -:30 >

be saved                                <1TI2 -:4 >

be shorn or shaven                      <1CO11 -:6 >

be sober                                <1TH4 -:25 >

be sober                                <1TH4 -:27 >

be sober                                <TIT2 -:4 >

be sober minded                 <TIT2 -:6 >

be something                            <GA6 -:3 >

be somewhat                             <GA2 -:6 >

be somewhat                             <GA2 -:6 >

be somewhat filled with your            <RO15 -:24 >

be spent for you                        <2CO12 -:15 >

be spiritually minded                   <RO8 -:6 >

be spoken after                 <HEB3 -:5 >

be spoken by                            <HEB2 -:3 >

be strengthened with might by his spirit  <EPH3 -:16 >

be strong                               <1CO16 -:13 >

be strong                               <2TI2 -:1 >

be strong                               <EPH6 -:10 >

be subject                              <TIT3 -:1 >

be teachers                             <1TI1 -:6 >

be teachers                             <HEB5 -:12 >

be tempted above                        <1CO10 -:13 >

be testified                            <1TI2 -:6 >

be thus minded                          <PHP3 -:15 >

be unclean                              <RO14 -:15 >

be under                                <GA4 -:21 >

be under obedience                      <1CO14 -:34 >

be understood                           <1CO14 -:9 >

be uttered                              <HEB5 -:11 >

be wise                         <1CO3 -:18 >

be wise                         <RO1 -:22 >

be with christ                          <PHP1 -:23 >

be ye also enlarged                     <2CO6 -:13 >

be ye angry                             <EPH4 -:26 >

be ye followers                 <1CO11 -:1 >

be ye followers                 <1CO4 -:16 >

be ye kind one                          <EPH4 -:32 >

be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers  <2CO6 -:14 >

be ye reconciled                        <2CO5 -:20 >

be ye separate                          <2CO6 -:17 >

be ye stedfast                          <1CO15 -:58 >

be ye thankful                          <COL3 -:15 >

be ye therefore followers               <EPH5 -:1 >

be zealously affected always            <GA4 -:18 >

bear children                           <1TI5 -:14 >

bear him record                 <COL4 -:13 >

bear it                         <1CO3 -:2 >

bear record                             <2CO8 -:3 >

bear them record                        <RO10 -:2 >

bear ye one another's burdens           <GA6 -:2 >

bear you record                 <GA4 -:15 >

bearest not                             <GA4 -:27 >

beareth all things                      <1CO13 -:7 >

bearing his reproach                    <HEB13 -:13 >

beast touch                             <HEB12 -:20 >

beaten with rods                        <2CO11 -:26 >

became as                               <1CO9 -:20 >

became followers                        <1TH2 -:15 >

became heir                             <HEB11 -:7 >

became obedient unto death              <PHP2 -:8 >

because for                             <PHP2 -:30 >

because god had translated him          <HEB11 -:5 >

because god hath from                   <2TH2 -:13 >

because he continueth ever              <HEB7 -:24 >

because he could swear by no greater    <HEB6 -:13 >

because he maketh intercession for      <RO8 -:27 >

because he was                          <GA2 -:11 >

because his spirit was refreshed by you all  <2CO7 -:14 >

because it shall be revealed by fire    <1CO3 -:13 >

because our testimony among you was believed  <2TH1 -:10 >

because she judged him faithful who had promised  <HEB11 -:11 >

because they are                        <RO9 -:7 >

because they are brethren               <1TI6 -:2 >

because they are faithful               <1TI6 -:2 >

because they are spiritually discerned  <1CO2 -:14 >

because they continued not              <HEB8 -:9 >

because they have cast off their first faith  <1TI5 -:12 >

because they received not               <2TH2 -:10 >

because they saw                        <HEB11 -:23 >

because they were not suffered          <HEB7 -:23 >

because we are not under                <RO6 -:15 >

because we have testified               <1CO15 -:15 >

because we thus judge                   <2CO5 -:14 >

because we trust                        <1TI4 -:10 >

because we would not be chargeable unto any  <1TH2 -:9 >

because ye are sons                     <GA4 -:6 >

because ye go                           <1CO6 -:7 >

because ye were dear unto us            <1TH2 -:8 >

become servants                 <RO6 -:22 >

bed undefiled                           <HEB13 -:4 >

been made like unto gomorrha            <RO9 -:29 >

before god                              <1TI5 -:21 >

before god                              <GA1 -:20 >

before him whom he believed             <RO4 -:18 >

before titus                            <2CO7 -:15 >

before whose eyes jesus christ hath been evidently set forth  <GA3 -:1 >

beggarly elements                       <GA4 -:9 >

beginning chosen you                    <2TH2 -:13 >

beginning hast laid                     <HEB1 -:10 >

begotten thee                           <HEB1 -:5 >

begotten thee                           <HEB5 -:5 >

behave thyself                          <1TI3 -:15 >

behaviour as becometh holiness          <TIT2 -:3 >

behold israel after                     <1CO10 -:18 >

behold therefore                        <RO11 -:22 >

beholding your order                    <COL2 -:5 >

being abominable                        <TIT1 -:16 >

being absent now                        <2CO13 -:2 >

being alienated from                    <EPH4 -:18 >

being aliens from                       <EPH2 -:12 >

being burdened                          <2CO5 -:4 >

being clothed we shall not be found naked  <2CO5 -:3 >

being condemned                 <TIT3 -:11 >

being confident                 <PHP1 -:6 >

being crafty                            <2CO12 -:16 >

being dead                              <COL2 -:13 >

being dead wherein we were held <RO7 -:6 >

being deceived                          <2TI3 -:13 >

being defamed                           <1CO4 -:13 >

being destitute                 <HEB11 -:37 >

being enriched                          <2CO9 -:11 >

being filled with                       <PHP1 -:11 >

being filled with all unrighteousness   <RO1 -:29 >

being found                             <PHP2 -:8 >

being fruitful                          <COL1 -:10 >

being fully persuaded                   <RO4 -:22 >

being instructed out                    <RO2 -:18 >

being justified by his grace            <TIT3 -:7 >

being justified freely by his grace through  <RO3 -:24 >

being knit together                     <COL2 -:2 >

being made                              <GA3 -:13 >

being made conformable unto his death   <PHP3 -:10 >

being made perfect                      <HEB5 -:9 >

being made so much better than          <HEB1 -:4 >

being many                              <1CO12 -:12 >

being mindful                           <2TI1 -:4 >

being more exceedingly zealous          <GA1 -:14 >

being not weak                          <RO4 -:20 >

being not without law                   <1CO9 -:21 >

being not yet born                      <RO9 -:11 >

being now justified by his blood        <RO5 -:9 >

being persecuted                        <1CO4 -:12 >

being predestinated according           <EPH1 -:11 >

being reconciled                        <RO5 -:10 >

being reviled                           <1CO4 -:12 >

being rooted                            <EPH3 -:17 >

being sanctified by                     <RO15 -:16 >

being such an one as paul               <PHM1 -:9 >

being taken from you for                <1TH2 -:18 >

being then made free from sin           <RO6 -:18 >

being uncircumcised                     <RO4 -:11 >

being understood by                     <RO1 -:20 >

being warned                            <HEB11 -:7 >

being witnessed by                      <RO3 -:21 >

belie ve                                <1TH2 -:13 >

believe not                             <1CO14 -:22 >

believe not                             <1CO14 -:22 >

believe not bid you                     <1CO10 -:27 >

believe on him                          <PHP1 -:29 >

believed not                            <HEB11 -:31 >

believed not                            <HEB3 -:18 >

believed on                             <1TI3 -:16 >

believeth all things                    <1CO13 -:7 >

believeth have widows                   <1TI5 -:16 >

believeth not                           <1CO14 -:24 >

believeth not                           <1CO7 -:12 >

believeth not                           <1CO7 -:13 >

believeth with an infidel               <2CO6 -:15 >

belly for meats                 <1CO6 -:13 >

beloved apphia                          <PHM1 -:2 >

beloved brother                 <COL4 -:7 >

beloved brother                 <COL4 -:9 >

beloved brother                 <EPH6 -:21 >

beloved for                             <RO11 -:28 >

beloved persis                          <RO16 -:12 >

beloved physician                       <COL4 -:14 >

beseech euodias                 <PHP4 -:2 >

beseech syntyche                        <PHP4 -:2 >

beseech thee for my son onesimus        <PHM1 -:10 >

beseech you                             <1CO1 -:10 >

beseech you                             <1CO16 -:15 >

beseech you                             <1CO4 -:16 >

beseech you                             <2CO2 -:8 >

beseech you                             <EPH4 -:1 >

beseech you                             <GA4 -:12 >

beseech you                             <HEB13 -:22 >

beseech you                             <RO15 -:30 >

beseech you                             <RO16 -:17 >

beseech you therefore                   <RO12 -:1 >

beside those things                     <2CO11 -:30 >

besought thee                           <1TI1 -:2 >

best gifts                              <1CO12 -:31 >

bestow all my goods                     <1CO13 -:3 >

better covenant                 <HEB8 -:6 >

better for me                           <1CO9 -:15 >

better hope                             <HEB7 -:19 >

better resurrection                     <HEB11 -:35 >

better testament                        <HEB7 -:22 >

between us                              <EPH2 -:14 >

beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy  <COL2 -:8 >

beyond measure                          <GA1 -:13 >

beyond you                              <2CO10 -:16 >

birth again until christ be formed      <GA4 -:19 >

bishop must be blameless                <TIT1 -:7 >

bishop then must be blameless           <1TI3 -:2 >

bitterness springing up trouble <HEB12 -:15 >

bless them which persecute you          <RO12 -:14 >

blessed both                            <HEB11 -:21 >

blessed god                             <1TI1 -:10 >

blessed him                             <HEB7 -:1 >

blessed him                             <HEB7 -:6 >

blessed hope                            <TIT2 -:13 >

blessedness ye spake                    <GA4 -:15 >

blessing which we bless         <1CO10 -:16 >

blood cannot inherit                    <1CO15 -:50 >

blood is no remission                   <HEB9 -:22 >

blotting out                            <COL2 -:14 >

boast not against                       <RO11 -:18 >

boasting then                           <RO3 -:27 >

bodies terrestrial                      <1CO15 -:40 >

bodily presence                 <2CO10 -:10 >

body as it hath pleased him             <1CO15 -:38 >

body be preserved blameless unto        <1TH4 -:42 >

body by joints                          <COL2 -:19 >

body hast thou prepared me              <HEB10 -:5 >

body is not one member                  <1CO12 -:14 >

body is one                             <1CO12 -:12 >

body together                           <1CO12 -:24 >

body unto                               <EPH4 -:16 >

bold also                               <2CO11 -:22 >

bold toward you                 <2CO10 -:1 >

bond or free                            <1CO12 -:13 >

bond or free                            <EPH6 -:8 >

bondage again                           <RO8 -:15 >

bondage under                           <GA4 -:3 >

bondage with her children               <GA4 -:25 >

bondwoman shall not be heir with        <GA4 -:30 >

bondwoman was born after                <GA4 -:23 >

book it is written                      <HEB10 -:7 >

both among yourselves                   <1TH4 -:34 >

both jews                               <1CO1 -:24 >

both sure                               <HEB6 -:19 >

both theirs                             <1CO1 -:2 >

both they                               <1CO7 -:29 >

both which are                          <EPH1 -:10 >

both with signs                 <HEB2 -:4 >

bow down their back alway               <RO11 -:10 >

bow my knees unto                       <EPH3 -:14 >

branches be broken off                  <RO11 -:17 >

branches were broken off                <RO11 -:19 >

bread which we break                    <1CO10 -:16 >

break forth                             <GA4 -:27 >

brethren beloved                        <1TH1 -:4 >

brethren beloved                        <2TH2 -:13 >

brethren greet you                      <1CO16 -:20 >

brethren which are                      <1TH4 -:10 >

brethren which are                      <COL4 -:15 >

brethren which are with me              <GA1 -:2 >

brethren which are with me greet you    <PHP4 -:22 >

brethren which are with them            <RO16 -:14 >

brethren which came from macedonia supplied  <2CO11 -:9 >

brethren with an holy kiss              <1TH4 -:45 >

bring christ down                       <RO10 -:6 >

bring forth fruit unto death            <RO7 -:5 >

bring glad tidings                      <RO10 -:15 >

bring him with thee                     <2TI4 -:11 >

bring up christ again from              <RO10 -:7 >

bring us                                <GA3 -:24 >

bring your liberality unto jerusalem    <1CO16 -:3 >

bring zenas                             <TIT3 -:13 >

bringeth forth fruit                    <COL1 -:6 >

bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed  <HEB6 -:7 >

bringeth salvation hath appeared        <TIT2 -:11 >

bringing into captivity every thought   <2CO10 -:5 >

bringing many sons unto glory           <HEB2 -:10 >

bringing me into captivity              <RO7 -:23 >

brother apollos                 <1CO16 -:12 >

brother be                              <1CO5 -:11 >

brother beloved                 <PHM1 -:16 >

brother or                              <1CO7 -:15 >

brother timothy is set at liberty       <HEB13 -:23 >

brother's way                           <RO14 -:14 >

brought again from                      <HEB13 -:20 >

brought us good tidings         <1TH3 -:6 >

buffet me                               <2CO12 -:7 >

build again                             <GA2 -:20 >

building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple  <EPH2 -:21 >

built all things                        <HEB3 -:4 >

built up                                <COL2 -:7 >

buried with him                 <COL2 -:12 >

burn not                                <2CO11 -:31 >

burned with fire                        <HEB12 -:18 >

burnt offerings                 <HEB10 -:6 >

burnt offerings                 <HEB10 -:8 >

but above                               <PHM1 -:16 >

but according                           <2CO10 -:13 >

but according                           <2TI1 -:9 >

but according                           <TIT3 -:5 >

but admonish                            <2TH3 -:15 >

but after                               <GA3 -:25 >

but after                               <HEB7 -:16 >

but after                               <RO8 -:1 >

but after                               <RO8 -:4 >

but after                               <TIT3 -:4 >

but after their own lusts shall they heap  <2TI4 -:3 >

but after this                          <HEB9 -:27 >

but after thy hardness                  <RO2 -:5 >

but against principalities              <EPH6 -:12 >

but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord  <RO6 -:11 >

but all                         <2TI4 -:16 >

but all these worketh                   <1CO12 -:11 >

but all things                          <1CO11 -:12 >

but all things                          <EPH5 -:13 >

but all things                          <HEB4 -:13 >

but all things are not expedient        <1CO10 -:23 >

but all things are not expedient        <1CO6 -:12 >

but all things edify not                <1CO10 -:23 >

but also                                <1TH1 -:5 >

but also                                <1TH1 -:8 >

but also                                <2CO8 -:10 >

but also                                <2CO8 -:21 >

but also                                <2TI2 -:20 >

but also                                <EPH1 -:21 >

but also                                <PHP1 -:29 >

but also                                <RO9 -:24 >

but also all                            <RO16 -:4 >

but also for conscience sake            <RO13 -:5 >

but also heaven                 <HEB12 -:26 >

but also our own souls                  <1TH2 -:8 >

but are busybodies                      <2TH3 -:11 >

but are helpers                 <2CO1 -:24 >

but as                                  <2CO2 -:17 >

but as                                  <2CO2 -:17 >

but as                                  <EPH6 -:6 >

but as                                  <GA3 -:16 >

but as god hath distributed             <1CO7 -:17 >

but as it is                            <1TH2 -:13 >

but as it is written                    <1CO2 -:9 >

but as it is written                    <RO15 -:21 >

but as it were by                       <RO9 -:32 >

but as it were foolishly                <2CO11 -:18 >

but as my beloved sons                  <1CO4 -:14 >

but as then he                          <GA4 -:29 >

but as touching                 <RO11 -:28 >

but as touching brotherly love ye need not  <1TH4 -:9 >

but as unto carnal                      <1CO3 -:1 >

but as we spake all things              <2CO7 -:15 >

but as we were allowed                  <1TH2 -:4 >

but as wise                             <EPH5 -:15 >

but at                                  <2CO4 -:18 >

but avoid foolish questions             <TIT3 -:9 >

but bare grain                          <1CO15 -:37 >

but be filled with                      <EPH5 -:18 >

but be gentle unto all                  <2TI2 -:24 >

but be it so                            <2CO12 -:16 >

but be thou an example                  <1TI4 -:12 >

but be thou partaker                    <2TI1 -:8 >

but be ye transformed by                <RO12 -:2 >

but became vain                 <RO1 -:21 >

but before faith came                   <GA3 -:23 >

but before two or three witnesses       <1TI5 -:19 >

but being absent                        <2CO10 -:1 >

but being more forward                  <2CO8 -:17 >

but believeth on him                    <RO4 -:5 >

but bring them up                       <EPH6 -:4 >

but brother goeth                       <1CO6 -:6 >

but by                                  <1CO12 -:3 >

but by                                  <1CO15 -:10 >

but by                                  <2CO1 -:12 >

but by                                  <2CO7 -:7 >

but by                                  <GA1 -:12 >

but by                                  <GA2 -:17 >

but by                                  <RO3 -:27 >

but by                                  <RO7 -:7 >

but by an equality                      <2CO8 -:14 >

but by his own blood he entered <HEB9 -:12 >

but by jesus christ                     <GA1 -:1 >

but by love serve one another           <GA5 -:13 >

but by manifestation                    <2CO4 -:2 >

but by occasion                 <2CO8 -:8 >

but by reason                           <RO8 -:20 >

but call                                <HEB10 -:33 >

but charity edifieth                    <1CO8 -:1 >

but christ                              <COL3 -:11 >

but christ as                           <HEB3 -:6 >

but christ being come an high priest    <HEB9 -:11 >

but christ jesus                        <2CO4 -:5 >

but christ liveth                       <GA2 -:22 >

but clothed upon                        <2CO5 -:4 >

but condescend                          <RO12 -:16 >

but conduct him forth                   <1CO16 -:11 >

but continue thou                       <2TI3 -:14 >

but contrariwise                        <GA2 -:7 >

but covet earnestly                     <1CO12 -:31 >

but crispus                             <1CO1 -:14 >

but delivered him up for us all <RO8 -:32 >

but denying                             <2TI3 -:5 >

but desire                              <GA6 -:13 >

but doting about questions              <1TI6 -:4 >

but entreat                             <1TI5 -:1 >

but esaias is very bold         <RO10 -:20 >

but esau have                           <RO9 -:13 >

but even after                          <1TH2 -:2 >

but even their mind                     <TIT1 -:15 >

but even unto this day                  <2CO3 -:15 >

but ever follow                 <1TH4 -:34 >

but every man                           <1CO15 -:23 >

but every man                           <RO3 -:4 >

but every man also on                   <PHP2 -:4 >

but every man another's         <1CO10 -:24 >

but every man hath his proper gift      <1CO7 -:7 >

but every woman                 <1CO11 -:5 >

but evil men                            <2TI3 -:13 >

but exhort one another daily            <HEB3 -:13 >

but exhorting                           <HEB10 -:25 >

but faith which worketh by love <GA5 -:6 >

but fear                                <RO11 -:20 >

but fellowcitizens with         <EPH2 -:19 >

but first gave their own selves <2CO8 -:5 >

but follow righteousness                <2TI2 -:22 >

but followers                           <HEB6 -:12 >

but foolish                             <2TI2 -:23 >

but for                         <1CO11 -:17 >

but for                         <1CO6 -:13 >

but for                         <1CO7 -:36 >

but for                         <1TI1 -:8 >

but for                         <2CO13 -:8 >

but for                         <2CO7 -:8 >

but for them which believe              <1CO14 -:22 >

but for us also                 <RO4 -:25 >

but for you                             <PHP3 -:1 >

but fornication                 <EPH5 -:3 >

but give you occasion                   <2CO5 -:12 >

but glory                               <RO2 -:10 >

but god                         <1CO10 -:13 >

but god                         <1CO3 -:7 >

but god                         <1TH2 -:4 >

but god                         <1TH4 -:8 >

but god                         <EPH2 -:4 >

but god be thanked                      <RO6 -:17 >

but god commendeth his love toward us   <RO5 -:8 >

but god forbid                          <GA6 -:14 >

but god gave                            <1CO3 -:6 >

but god gave                            <GA3 -:18 >

but god giveth it                       <1CO15 -:38 >

but god had mercy on him                <PHP2 -:27 >

but god hath called us                  <1CO7 -:15 >

but god hath chosen                     <1CO1 -:27 >

but god hath revealed                   <1CO2 -:10 >

but god hath tempered                   <1CO12 -:24 >

but god is one                          <GA3 -:20 >

but god shall destroy both it           <1CO6 -:13 >

but godliness is profitable unto all things  <1TI4 -:8 >

but godliness with contentment is great gain  <1TI6 -:6 >

but grievous                            <HEB12 -:11 >

but had pleasure                        <2TH2 -:12 >

but hath                                <TIT1 -:3 >

but hath power over his own will        <1CO7 -:38 >

but have pleasure                       <RO1 -:32 >

but have renounced                      <2CO4 -:2 >

but having hope                 <2CO10 -:15 >

but having seen them afar off           <HEB11 -:13 >

but he                                  <1CO14 -:3 >

but he                                  <1CO14 -:4 >

but he                                  <1CO2 -:15 >

but he                                  <1CO4 -:4 >

but he                                  <1CO6 -:17 >

but he                                  <1CO6 -:18 >

but he                                  <1CO7 -:39 >

but he                                  <1CO7 -:33 >

but he                                  <2CO10 -:17 >

but he                                  <COL3 -:25 >

but he                                  <GA4 -:23 >

but he                                  <GA4 -:23 >

but he                                  <GA5 -:10 >

but he                                  <GA6 -:8 >

but he                                  <HEB3 -:4 >

but he                                  <HEB5 -:4 >

but he                                  <HEB5 -:5 >

but he                                  <RO2 -:29 >

but he for                              <HEB12 -:10 >

but he himself shall be saved           <1CO3 -:15 >

but he took on                          <HEB2 -:16 >

but he whose descent is not counted from them received tithes  <HEB7

-:6 >

but he will come when he shall have convenient time  <1CO16 -:12 >

but his will was not at all             <1CO16 -:12 >

but hope                                <RO8 -:24 >

but how much more unto thee             <PHM1 -:16 >

but if                                  <1CO11 -:15 >

but if                                  <1CO7 -:15 >

but if                                  <1TI3 -:15 >

but if                                  <2CO3 -:7 >

but if                                  <GA2 -:19 >

but if                                  <HEB10 -:39 >

but if                                  <PHP1 -:22 >

but if                                  <RO11 -:6 >

but if                                  <RO7 -:2 >

but if                                  <RO8 -:11 >

but if against my will                  <1CO9 -:17 >

but if all prophesy                     <1CO14 -:24 >

but if any have caused grief            <2CO2 -:5 >

but if any man be ignorant              <1CO14 -:38 >

but if any man love god         <1CO8 -:3 >

but if any man say unto you             <1CO10 -:28 >

but if any man seem                     <1CO11 -:16 >

but if any man think                    <1CO7 -:37 >

but if any provide not for his own      <1TI5 -:8 >

but if any widow have children or nephews  <1TI5 -:4 >

but if her husband be dead              <1CO7 -:40 >

but if her husband be dead              <RO7 -:3 >

but if it be                            <1CO11 -:6 >

but if our gospel be hid                <2CO4 -:3 >

but if our unrighteousness commend      <RO3 -:5 >

but if there be no interpreter          <1CO14 -:28 >

but if there be no resurrection <1CO15 -:13 >

but if they cannot contain              <1CO7 -:9 >

but if thou be                          <RO2 -:25 >

but if thou boast                       <RO11 -:18 >

but if thou do                          <RO13 -:4 >

but if thou mayest be made free <1CO7 -:21 >

but if thy brother be grieved with      <RO14 -:16 >

but if we hope for                      <RO8 -:25 >

but if ye be led                        <GA5 -:18 >

but if ye be without chastisement       <HEB12 -:8 >

but if ye bite                          <GA5 -:15 >

but if ye through                       <RO8 -:13 >

but into                                <HEB9 -:7 >

but into heaven itself                  <HEB9 -:24 >

but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto god  <2CO9 -:12 >

but is mighty                           <2CO13 -:3 >

but is now made manifest by             <2TI1 -:10 >

but is under tutors                     <GA4 -:2 >

but israel                              <RO9 -:31 >

but it is                               <1CO12 -:6 >

but jerusalem which is above is free    <GA4 -:26 >

but judge this rather                   <RO14 -:14 >

but let                         <1CO11 -:28 >

but let every man prove his own work    <GA6 -:4 >

but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon  <1CO3 -:10 >

but let it rather be healed             <HEB12 -:13 >

but let us                              <1TH4 -:27 >

but let us watch                        <1TH4 -:25 >

but life                                <2CO4 -:12 >

but life from                           <RO11 -:15 >

but made himself                        <PHP2 -:7 >

but made like unto                      <HEB7 -:3 >

but many                                <1CO12 -:14 >

but meat commendeth us not              <1CO8 -:8 >

but mighty through god                  <2CO10 -:4 >

but ministers by whom ye believed       <1CO3 -:5 >

but my god shall supply all your need according  <PHP4 -:20 >

but my understanding is unfruitful      <1CO14 -:14 >

but neither titus                       <GA2 -:3 >

but not                         <2CO4 -:8 >

but not according                       <RO10 -:2 >

but not as                              <RO5 -:15 >

but not before god                      <RO4 -:2 >

but not destroyed                       <2CO4 -:9 >

but not forsaken                        <2CO4 -:9 >

but nourisheth                          <EPH5 -:29 >

but now                         <1CO12 -:20 >

but now                         <1CO5 -:11 >

but now                         <EPH2 -:13 >

but now                         <EPH5 -:8 >

but now                         <GA4 -:9 >

but now                         <RO15 -:25 >

but now                         <RO3 -:21 >

but now are they holy                   <1CO7 -:14 >

but now being made free from sin        <RO6 -:22 >

but now hath god set                    <1CO12 -:18 >

but now hath he obtained                <HEB8 -:6 >

but now having no more place            <RO15 -:23 >

but now he hath promised                <HEB12 -:26 >

but now is christ risen from            <1CO15 -:20 >

but now is made manifest                <COL1 -:26 >

but now is made manifest                <RO16 -:26 >

but now much more                       <PHP2 -:12 >

but now much more diligent              <2CO8 -:22 >

but now once                            <HEB9 -:26 >

but now profitable                      <PHM1 -:11 >

but now they desire                     <HEB11 -:16 >

but now we are delivered from           <RO7 -:6 >

but now we see not yet all things put under him  <HEB2 -:8 >

but now when timotheus came from you unto us  <1TH3 -:6 >

but now ye also put off all these       <COL3 -:8 >

but obey unrighteousness                <RO2 -:8 >

but on me also                          <PHP2 -:27 >

but one                         <HEB2 -:6 >

but one receiveth                       <1CO9 -:24 >

but other                               <GA1 -:19 >

but our sufficiency                     <2CO3 -:5 >

but ourselves also                      <RO8 -:23 >

but out                         <2TI3 -:11 >

but overcome evil with good             <RO12 -:21 >

but patient                             <1TI3 -:3 >

but present                             <1CO5 -:3 >

but privately                           <GA2 -:2 >

but prophesying                 <1CO14 -:22 >

but put ye on                           <RO13 -:15 >

but rather                              <1CO14 -:1 >

but rather                              <1CO14 -:5 >

but rather do                           <1TI6 -:2 >

but rather giving                       <EPH5 -:4 >

but rather let him labour               <EPH4 -:28 >

but rather reprove                      <EPH5 -:11 >

but received me as an angel             <GA4 -:14 >

but refuse profane                      <1TI4 -:7 >

but rejoiceth                           <1CO13 -:6 >

but righteousness                       <RO14 -:18 >

but satan hindered us                   <1TH2 -:19 >

but she                         <1CO7 -:34 >

but she                         <1TI5 -:6 >

but she is happier if she so abide      <1CO7 -:41 >

but showing all good fidelity           <TIT2 -:10 >

but shun profane                        <2TI2 -:16 >

but sin                         <RO7 -:13 >

but sin                         <RO7 -:17 >

but sin                         <RO7 -:20 >

but sin                         <RO7 -:8 >

but sin is not imputed when there is no law  <RO5 -:13 >

but some                                <1CO15 -:35 >

but some are fallen asleep              <1CO15 -:6 >

but speak thou                          <TIT2 -:1 >

but speaking                            <EPH4 -:15 >

but strong meat belongeth               <HEB5 -:14 >

but suffer all things                   <1CO9 -:12 >

but take heed lest by any means this liberty  <1CO8 -:9 >

but taking my leave                     <2CO2 -:13 >

but tattlers also                       <1TI5 -:13 >

but thanks                              <1CO15 -:57 >

but thanks                              <2CO8 -:16 >

but their minds were blinded            <2CO3 -:14 >

but their own belly                     <RO16 -:18 >

but them                                <1CO5 -:13 >

but then face                           <1CO13 -:12 >

but then shall                          <1CO13 -:12 >

but there be some                       <GA1 -:7 >

but there he                            <HEB7 -:8 >

but they                                <1TI6 -:9 >

but they                                <RO8 -:5 >

but they had heard only         <GA1 -:23 >

but they have not all obeyed            <RO10 -:16 >

but they measuring themselves by themselves  <2CO10 -:12 >

but they shall proceed no further       <2TI3 -:9 >

but this                                <1CO7 -:29 >

but this                                <2CO9 -:6 >

but this                                <HEB7 -:24 >

but this man                            <HEB10 -:12 >

but this with an oath by him            <HEB7 -:21 >

but thou                                <1TI6 -:11 >

but thou art                            <HEB1 -:12 >

but thou hast fully known my doctrine   <2TI3 -:10 >

but thou remainest                      <HEB1 -:11 >

but though                              <2CO11 -:6 >

but though our outward man perish       <2CO4 -:16 >

but though we                           <GA1 -:8 >

but through                             <RO4 -:14 >

but toward thee                 <RO11 -:22 >

but trophimus have                      <2TI4 -:20 >

but under                               <1CO9 -:21 >

but under grace                 <RO6 -:14 >

but under grace                 <RO6 -:15 >

but understanding what                  <EPH5 -:17 >

but unto                                <HEB1 -:8 >

but unto all them also                  <2TI4 -:8 >

but unto every one                      <EPH4 -:7 >

but unto god                            <1CO14 -:2 >

but unto him which died for them        <2CO5 -:15 >

but unto holiness                       <1TH4 -:7 >

but unto them                           <RO2 -:8 >

but unto them                           <TIT1 -:15 >

but unto them which are called          <1CO1 -:24 >

but unto us which are saved it is       <1CO1 -:18 >

but use                         <1TI5 -:23 >

but was                         <HEB4 -:15 >

but was let hitherto                    <RO1 -:13 >

but was strong                          <RO4 -:21 >

but watch thou                          <2TI4 -:5 >

but we                                  <1CO4 -:10 >

but we                                  <1TH2 -:18 >

but we all                              <2CO3 -:18 >

but we also joy                 <RO5 -:11 >

but we an incorruptible         <1CO9 -:25 >

but we are bound                        <2TH2 -:13 >

but we are made manifest unto god       <2CO5 -:11 >

but we are not                          <HEB10 -:40 >

but we are sure                 <RO2 -:2 >

but we beseech you                      <1TH4 -:10 >

but we glory                            <RO5 -:3 >

but we had                              <2CO1 -:9 >

but we have                             <1CO2 -:16 >

but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you  <2CO11 -:6 >

but we have this treasure               <2CO4 -:7 >

but we know                             <1TI1 -:7 >

but we preach christ crucified          <1CO1 -:23 >

but we see jesus                        <HEB2 -:9 >

but we seek one                 <HEB13 -:14 >

but we shall all be changed             <1CO15 -:51 >

but we shall live with him by           <2CO13 -:4 >

but we speak                            <1CO2 -:7 >

but we were gentle among you            <1TH2 -:7 >

but we were troubled on every side      <2CO7 -:5 >

but we will not boast                   <2CO10 -:13 >

but what                                <2CO11 -:13 >

but what                                <RO7 -:15 >

but what saith                          <RO11 -:4 >

but what saith it                       <RO10 -:8 >

but what things were gain               <PHP3 -:7 >

but when                                <1CO13 -:10 >

but when                                <1CO13 -:11 >

but when                                <GA2 -:14 >

but when                                <GA4 -:4 >

but when                                <RO7 -:9 >

but when he saith all things are put under  <1CO15 -:27 >

but when it pleased god         <GA1 -:15 >

but when peter was come         <GA2 -:11 >

but when rebecca also had conceived by one  <RO9 -:10 >

but when they were come         <GA2 -:12 >

but when we are judged                  <1CO11 -:32 >

but when ye sin so against              <1CO8 -:12 >

but where sin abounded                  <RO5 -:20 >

but whether                             <1CO13 -:8 >

but which                               <1CO2 -:13 >

but who also walk                       <RO4 -:13 >

but who was also chosen         <2CO8 -:19 >

but whom                                <2CO10 -:18 >

but whoremongers                        <HEB13 -:4 >

but why dost thou judge thy brother     <RO14 -:11 >

but will with                           <1CO10 -:13 >

but willingly                           <PHM1 -:14 >

but with                                <1CO5 -:8 >

but with                                <2CO3 -:3 >

but with                                <RO7 -:25 >

but with many                           <1CO10 -:5 >

but with me it is                       <1CO4 -:3 >

but with whom was he grieved forty years  <HEB3 -:17 >

but withal prepare me also              <PHM1 -:22 >

but without faith                       <HEB11 -:6 >

but without thy mind would              <PHM1 -:14 >

but wrought with labour         <2TH3 -:8 >

but ye                                  <1CO4 -:10 >

but ye                                  <1CO4 -:10 >

but ye                                  <1TH4 -:23 >

but ye                                  <2TH3 -:13 >

but ye are come unto mount sion <HEB12 -:22 >

but ye are justified                    <1CO6 -:11 >

but ye are not                          <RO8 -:9 >

but ye are sanctified                   <1CO6 -:11 >

but ye are straitened                   <2CO6 -:12 >

but ye are washed                       <1CO6 -:11 >

but ye have not so learned christ       <EPH4 -:20 >

but ye have obeyed from         <RO6 -:17 >

but ye have received                    <RO8 -:15 >

but ye know                             <PHP2 -:22 >

but ye lacked opportunity               <PHP4 -:11 >

but ye only                             <PHP4 -:16 >

but yet                         <RO16 -:19 >

but yield yourselves unto god           <RO6 -:13 >

but you                         <2CO12 -:14 >

but your messenger                      <PHP2 -:25 >

by                                      <GA2 -:23 >

by                                      <GA3 -:5 >

by an oath                              <HEB6 -:17 >

by any means                            <1CO9 -:27 >

by course                               <1CO14 -:27 >

by evil report                          <2CO6 -:8 >

by faith                                <HEB11 -:30 >

by faith                                <HEB11 -:31 >

by faith                                <RO3 -:22 >

by faith abel offered unto god          <HEB11 -:4 >

by faith abraham                        <HEB11 -:17 >

by faith abraham                        <HEB11 -:8 >

by faith enoch was translated           <HEB11 -:5 >

by faith he forsook egypt               <HEB11 -:27 >

by faith he sojourned                   <HEB11 -:9 >

by faith isaac blessed jacob            <HEB11 -:20 >

by faith jacob                          <HEB11 -:21 >

by faith joseph                 <HEB11 -:22 >

by faith moses                          <HEB11 -:23 >

by faith moses                          <HEB11 -:24 >

by faith noah                           <HEB11 -:7 >

by faith they passed through            <HEB11 -:29 >

by good words                           <RO16 -:18 >

by grace                                <RO4 -:17 >

by grace be                             <1CO10 -:30 >

by grace ye are saved                   <EPH2 -:5 >

by hearing                              <RO10 -:17 >

by him                                  <COL1 -:20 >

by him                                  <COL1 -:20 >

by him all things consist               <COL1 -:17 >

by him therefore let us offer           <HEB13 -:15 >

by his grace                            <GA1 -:15 >

by honour                               <2CO6 -:8 >

by how much also he is                  <HEB8 -:6 >

by it he being dead yet speaketh        <HEB11 -:4 >

by it slew                              <RO7 -:11 >

by kindness                             <2CO6 -:6 >

by knowledge                            <2CO6 -:6 >

by life                         <PHP1 -:20 >

by longsuffering                        <2CO6 -:6 >

by love unfeigned                       <2CO6 -:6 >

by man                                  <1CO15 -:21 >

by me                                   <2CO1 -:19 >

by me                                   <2TI4 -:17 >

by means                                <HEB9 -:15 >

by my voice                             <1CO14 -:19 >

by one                                  <RO5 -:16 >

by one                                  <RO5 -:16 >

by one man                              <RO5 -:15 >

by our father isaac                     <RO9 -:10 >

by promise                              <GA4 -:23 >

by pureness                             <2CO6 -:6 >

by reason                               <2CO3 -:10 >

by reason hereof he ought               <HEB5 -:3 >

by revelation he made known unto me     <EPH3 -:3 >

by so much was jesus made               <HEB7 -:22 >

by their prayer for you         <2CO9 -:14 >

by them                         <1CO1 -:11 >

by two                                  <1CO14 -:27 >

by two immutable things         <HEB6 -:18 >

by us                                   <2CO5 -:20 >

by what law                             <RO3 -:27 >

by which also ye are saved              <1CO15 -:2 >

by which he obtained witness            <HEB11 -:4 >

by whom                         <1CO8 -:6 >

by whom                         <GA6 -:14 >

by whom                         <HEB2 -:10 >

by whom also he made                    <HEB1 -:2 >

by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand

<RO5 -:2 >

by whom we have now received            <RO5 -:11 >

by whom we have received grace          <RO1 -:5 >

by whom ye were called unto             <1CO1 -:9 >

by word                         <RO15 -:18 >

